Sunday, April 24, 2022

ST19.3 Results and Album Link

Before we get to the Round 3 results, a reminder for the next challenge "What Was That Noise?": If you've been trying to calibrate your songs to optimize your rankings based on the tastes of individual judges (a reasonable approach!), that won't work as well in the Final Round: the SpinTunes 19 Champion is chosen by the contestants, not by the judges. You'll still get feedback from them in the form of reviews, and they'll provide rankings if needed as a tie-breaker, but after this round the fates of the finalists are in the hands of their fellow competitors, and your surest shot at winning is simply to write the best song you can!

Now that that's out of the way, let's get on to the results from Round 3, where the judges still are the arbiters.

It was a tough round with plenty of variation in judges' rankings, resulting in some closely-clustered scores. But the results are in, and with great scores across the board, the clear winner is Also In Blue. In second and third place are Sober and Governing Dynamics, and the Final Round slate is rounded out by See-Man-Ski in fourth place.

As for the rest of the competitors, reinstatement into the Final Round is usually a long shot, but given the number of no-shows we've had throughout the tournament so far, anything is possible. So get those shadows in!

Here are the full results:

1Also In Blue121127
3Governing Dynamics41053325
6Hot Pink Halo7826730
8Star Bear8668937
9Night Sky11599539
12Melody Klein9912121254

Judges' Reviews:

And the album is now in ranking order, with lovely cover art by Matt Schubbe. Find the album on Bandcamp, or embedded below.

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