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Monday, August 26, 2024

SpinTunes 23 - Meet the Contestants

The SpinTunes 23 contestants are now hard at work at their Round 1 entries. But who are these artists and bands vying for the title of SpinTunes 23 Champion? You've already met the judges; now read on to meet the contestants!

hi. im ▷, but you can call me Distance. thats what ▷ means. to me atleast. everyone else here is probably describing themselves and what they do. i dont see a need to do that, instead im going to say some stuff here and perhaps someone will read it.

five inhabitants. it was seven. details are hazy but they're researching something somewhere now. maybe 4 years ago they were searching for something. 72 Years Later They and a certain bridge, theres a connection there but i wont be the one to make it. thats the job of those researchers. the polar bears there make for some great company though, even if that world has pieces missing. oh right- did i ever tell you about the bridge yet? i spose i havent. theres two actually. one of them you can find very easily, the other is underwater. that one is not safe. it used to be. the first one is safe except for one day out of the year. one day of the year... thats why its five inhabitants. you dont know this yet.

oh also i love odd time signatures and microtones

Newgrounds | YouTube

Also In Blue

Also in Blue is the nom de guerre of an overeducated, under-stimulated songwriter without a serious direction, who writes at the expense of doing the dishes or getting reasonable amounts of sleep. Pleased to be back in the saddle.

Bandcamp | YouTube

Berkeley Social Scene

Quantity affects quality. Practice makes perfect. 

Boffo Yux Dudes

BYD is currently a Duopoly from the Chicago and Boston metro areas, using the long tendrils of 9600 baud modems to cast their vigor and robust musings upon a unsuspecting world since 1986. At least they think so while the folks in the lab coats bring those tasty little pills before the Jello gets here.

We're back to bemuse and belittle you for SpinTunes #23! with our various pals and friendly enemies and attempt to amuse you while being true to our Dr. Demento like, befuddled attitude about current affairs and musing on why American cheese is so bland on the palate, but sounds so damn appealing to those outside the place. That and why are red Solo cups such an iconic American thing? They're a freakin cup!

3rd and 4th time is the charm, if anyone posts an email to us at boffoyux at gmail.com, we will send you something interesting audiowise if you use the subject line 'Again? You stiffed us again and again the last time. And again before that even. What gives?'. Maybe I'll send multiple things if we did stiff you. Or I'm just trolling you to get those sweet sweet emails to sell to the mega corporations... 

YouTube | Website | Blog | Bandcamp | Twitter | Facebook

C-00000291*. sys

I am ready, receive me.

Cairo Braga

Cairo Braga started making music right after their 12th birthday. Their father gave them a new computer and they discovered an intriguing software called Fruity Loops. This happened in 2002 and since then they've been teaching themself on music, production and overall sound/audio processes. With a boost from their years in college while getting a bachelor's degree in Image & Sound at the Federal University of São Carlos, they are now an independent artist who decided to make it for themself, aiming for self-expression through any art form they can reach and execute. They've been doing FAWM since 2014 but 2024 is their 1st attempt at SpinTunes.


cardamom seed

Cardamom has a strong taste, with an aromatic, resinous fragrance. It is best stored in the pod.


Cavedwellers watch the shadows on the wall.

Celestial Drift



Hey, I'm Dan. I'm from the southeast of England (no, NOT London!). I've been a regular Fawmer for well over a decade and the last few years, I've become a regular Nur Einer and Spintuner as well. Kind of between active bands at the moment, so who knows what genres will come out this time around, it could be anything (though almost certainly spooky stuff about ghosts and witches like normal!).


Definitely Not Secretly Glennny

We are in no way, shape, or form, associated with Glennny. Nope, no sirree.

falcon artist


Power Metal from OK

(formerly Temnere)

Soundcloud | Soundcloud


The Washington Generals of online songwriting.

Governing Dynamics

Back again to sing my overfuzzed sad/angry songs.


James Young

One third of AvidFan, one third of Good Guy Sôjàbé, I am also three thirds of myself.


Jasper Lewis

Jasper is a singer-songwriter and board certified music therapist who lives in Los Angeles.  He has self released 5 albums of original music that never made a dent on the charts.  His primary instrument is guitar and he does all his own stunts.  Jasper's writing style is best described as Jackson Browne with ADHD.  Jasper was hopeful, then jaded, then bitter, and now he's hopeful again.  He used to have a bad back but he healed it with the power of positive thinking.  He has a good dog.  


Jordan Carroll

I sign up every time and sometimes submit.

Joy Sitler

Joy has competed as a soloist in Spintunes 18, Spintunes 20, and Spintunes 22, and in their band Brain Weasels in Spintunes 21. For Spintunes 23, they plan to enter with My Broken Demo Tape, but have signed up as a soloist in case of emergency.

Menage a Tune

I like to write songs and come up with simple tunes for them.  Love to do lyrics. Prefer doing Children's songs, Christian, Sci-fi/fantasy and general silliness.  Always looking for a person who plays an instrument to collab with. Prefer feedback to high scores, esp when shadowing.


My Broken Demo Tape

My Broken Demo Tape is Joy Sitler (Brain Weasels) and Tom Vasey (Freight Street, Boo Lee Crosser) coming together to write and record songs that lie outside of the bounds of their other projects.


Night Sky

Night Sky is the irrepressible Sally on lyrics, the enigmatic Steve on drums, and the easily distracted Matt on the other stuff. Night Sky started with Song Fight entries in 2020 and has competed in a few SpinTunes starting with 17.

YouTube | Soundcloud

No Clue Music

I'm Glitchy, otherwise known as No Clue [Gaming/Music/Animation]! I make all kinds of experimental music, chiptune is awesome, and seeing what happens if you have a different EDO is awesome as well! Ever wonder what would happen if you only had 7 notes per octave? I'm here for ya!


Ominous Ride

Musically untrained and undisciplined, but I enjoy it and sometimes I manage to create things that others tolerate. 



Hello! My name is Mike, and I go by OutLyer for my artist name! I make everything from scratch off of ableton, and release music regularly on all music platforms. Music has been a massive part of my upbringing, from Middle School Musicals to becoming an Audio Engineer/Music Producer for a career. Very Excited for the challenge and the ability to start to rework the muscles of writing songs on a more consistent schedule!


Pigfarmer Jr

Pigfarmer Jr hopes to become a journeyman pigfarmer some day.




Punk Mimes 

Striped shirts. Berets with spikes and studs. Pretending to play instruments badly, but with great passion. Or an AI facsimile of that. 


I can see, I am a man, but I can't ski.



Established many years ago, alternative rock outfit with occasional dance beats and rap


Slap bass, climb rocks, play games, be awesome. 

Vascillating between pop rock and weird music since 2017. 


Normal is boring anyway.

Bandcamp | Spotify | Soundcloud | Website


A Texan in Maine. Upbeat music with depressing lyrics.

This will be his sixth time losing the SpinTunes competition.


Spintown & Company

I used to run this contest, now I'm back to let the judges skewer me.  Since I have no talent to speak of, I will be working with Joe Romero (and maybe others) to write stupid Minecraft songs. We competed in the last Nur Ein, and despite the judges trying to get rid of us, we stuck around for the entire thing.  The goal will be the same in this contest. (Shadows rule!)

Bandcamp | Spotify | YouTube | X

Stacking Theory

Maybe this time the mask won't be so heavy. 

The Alleviators

Beka (from Portland. Piano, vocals) and Travis (from Kansas City. guitar, vocals, production) write songs and will apparently take any excuse to finish their album.  They have never met in person and took 10+ years of online friendship and covering/featuring on each other's songs to notice they would probably be a semi-decent band.  This will be their third search for Spintunes gold. 


The Moon Bureau

ersatz smiths ripoff artist

The Pannacotta Army

In yet another naïve attempt at glory and immortality, the Pannacotta Army will be reporting for duty for their fourth Spintunes in a row.  It's so far been a summer spent avoiding serious injury with power tools while building a garden deck, watching the Euro 2024 footy, drinking brightly coloured aperitivos and steering clear of all songwriting whatsoever, so that isn’t exactly the best prep for this campaign. I’m therefore hoping the “it’s-like-riding-a-bike” principle will hold true. 

Bandcamp | Songfight

The Popped Hearts

power pop breakfast pastry

Thorsten Nesch

Experimental songwriter, living & working as janitor in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.


Tunes By LJ

Winner of Spintunes 21, judge of Spintunes 22, very excited to compete again!


Very Small Things

Songwriting duo from the second-saddest city on Earth.

West Of Vine

IRL a boston area 4 piece alt-country/roots rock band in search of gigs; for purposes of this contest probably just me again


Chicago-based music noob trying to up my groove game. Big fan of 7th chords.

With Joe

British songwriter and obnoxious manifester With Joe brings you a healthy dose of existential electro-pop to make you think about the purpose of your existence, the never-ending passage of time, and why we bother to attempt anything at all in-fact. Music is his form of therapy to discover his innermost feelings so be ready to get deep, possibly cry, and then kindly pretend he didn't open up so blatantly once it's all over.

Instagram | Twitch | Website

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